Beta Testing Futaba CGY750 Piro Compensation Firmware Update With Matt Botos

Beta Testing Futaba CGY750 Piro Compensation Firmware Update With Matt Botos


"I’ve been testing Futaba’s version of Piro Compensation and I am simply amazed at the speed at which they produced this incredible new firmware update. With everything going on in Japan, Futaba still finds the time to produce an amazing update to the CGY750! I’ve been flying FBL Helicopters since 2006 and in my opinion Futaba’s version is unmatched by any other flight control system on the market. This puts the cherry on top for me as far as the CGY750 is concerned. I personally send my thanks from over seas as I am sure everyone else who owns a CGY750 will do the same. Here is a short video which shows some of the new menus as well as flight testing. I hope you enjoy!"

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