1:16 M41 Bulldog Smoking Rc Tank In Store at:- giantredseven.com

Like the standard Heng Long 1/16th tanks that can be seen here it has all the great features of a top of the range BB tank such as firing sounds, built-in real smoke generator, bb firing, simulative motor start-up sounds, engine sounds, machine-gun sounds and cannon ball sounds. The difference though is that the pro versions are upgraded to make them even stronger and perform better with metal parts. The most important change on this pro version is the gearbox that has been replaced with a metal gearbox with metal gears. This makes the tank tougher and more reliable. The plastic tracks and wheels have also been replaced with metal tracks and wheels. Not only does this make them stronger but they also look fantastic and add to the realism of the model. Below you can see the metal tracks but also the Bulldog’s exhaust. The Bulldog has a real smoke generator and when used real smoke comes out of this exhaust which looks amazing.

The first test of the PWM (Speed control) of the MoTank. No steering yet. Processor: Arduino Uno Motor controllers: 10A Power: 2 x 12v &Ah Tutorial of H-Bridge @: www.pyroelectro.com Full report of tank @: letsmakerobots.com
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